Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nature Of Personality

Human behavioral traits or personality are commonly referred to as ones individuality, of which is generally considered to be influenced and developed by the environment. However, recent studies have uncovered genetic factors that suggest a more biological origin for behavior; which is suggestive that our personality/behavior or parts there of, may possibly be inherited. Does this mean I am who I am explicitly due to the people I come from? Or does it mean I did not come here preprogrammed but, I'm most likely not going to stray far from my teachings? Finally could this be completely off the mark which would mean that, I'm here and I choose my own path. Clearly these questions one, two or all will apply to everyone. The most significant question is what do you believe? 

Nature of Personality
Genetic versus Environment Influences
First I'd like to clarify the term genetic, defined as: relating to or determined by the origin, or antecedents of something. That being said it in almost impossible not to understand that the antecedent (which are mother and father) creates a predisposition for the child. Hence at time of birth there may or may not be an existing personality however if there is, it is most likely an amalgamation (or blueprint) of the parents. Therefore the role of our biological makeup in determining personality is unquestionable. Nonetheless it is impossible to separate the specific biological behavioral determinants from environmental ones. While the parents are the initial creators of the environment by which influences are made.
While there is no doubt that environmental influence in the family and social relationships have a big impact on the development of personality. Environmental influences outside the family environment, such as school and friends, are often more important to the development of personality. However, these apparent "outside influences" may have more to do with genes than it would seem at first. People seek out or...

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