Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Families are important.


When you picked up your program today, you may have wondered why it reads on the front "Welcome Home" since this is not home for most of you. However, if you turned it over and read the back side that makes more sense. Having family is very comforting to me. For the word comforting, my dictionary reads as follows: having the feeling of home and comfortable with synonyms of homey, at home, cozy, homelike and soothing. These are feelings I have when I think of family. So being with family is like coming home. It's always kind of like a "warm fuzzy" seeing my family again.

And families are forever. You are born into families and you die with families around. Families go way back in history. All of us have ancestors. There is no getting away from them. They are there, and good or bad, they will never go away. Some family trees reach much farther back in time than others. But the ancestors are still out there. Family, ancestors are part of our heritage. Families are forever.

Families are important. Our heritage not only includes who our ancestors are but also the ones brought into our families by marriage. Another major factor is what we have been taught by our families. We have been given love. We have been given encouragement ... understanding ... hope ... comfort ... advice ... values ... morals ... ideals and best of all we have been taught about our faith. We have been told to laugh at our mistakes and that we could be just a little proud of learning from them. We have been taught to enjoy the people we know and to appreciate the beauty of nature. We have learned by watching the examples before us. We're told to try out new things, to laugh and enjoy life, to try harder or try again, to appreciate what we have, to help those who are less fortunate, to make friends, to be a friend and to honor God and our country. We've been taught honor and respect. Since families are forever, we then pass these traditions on to the next...

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